

I won an iphone g3 this weekend in the KPFK summer sign-up membership drive! They are awarding one each day that will be loaded with content from 50 years of archives from this progressive radio station. You still have 3 more days to sign up for your chance. Donating 25 bucks puts you in the running for the daily iphone giveaway and tons of great sweepstakes prizes as well, like the gibson guitar signed by jackson browne, and a little more will give you a choice of premium gifts. Tax deductible donations will divert a portion of your taxes from corporate bailouts, human rights abuses and unneccessary endless occupation in the name of "enduring freedom."
KPFK is the only radio station in the country that has no corporate underwriting, no commercial influence. If you don't already listen, please tune in (itunes -> radio-> public -> kpfk or streaming online)
I encourage you to listen to in depth analysis of issues that will not make it to main stream media. This morning there was a story about a diebold voting machine critic, Stephen Spoonamore, (a gop accussing the gop of stealing elections) who filmed a segment for ABC news in 2006 regarding irregularities in the 2004 election. The video was never aired- ABC claims it feared lawsuits. But you can watch it now!
Kpfk is a great resource for information that won't be aired on stations with corporate obligations.


August 18 Boy gets wish, cow chases bear, dog swallows fishhook with 3 prongs

Some highlights from last week!
Bush hugs bikini-clad U.S. Olympians Video
Scientists closer to making invisibility cloak T-shirt
Plastic surgery cut by saggy economy Video T-shirt
Troops pay baggage fees on way to war
car has 1.3 M miles
Boy gets wish: Seat on garbage truck
Cow chases bear away from apple tree
Mom shocked by teen's modest clothing
3-lb. dog swallows fishhook with 3 prongs
Weeding through cnn is very much like dissecting owl pellets. If you pick away at all the regurgitated hairballs eventually you can piece together the rotting skeleton of a news story, but its just the infrastructure, devoid of all the life and substance.


August 7 2008 CENTENNIAL POST! Owners cuddle, dress pets ... then fry them

This post marks the 100th drawing posted on cnn is like the worst "news" source. ever.
In celebration and due to other pursuits the format will from here on change. I will be posting drawings weekly. The new drawings will be a montage of the weeks' absurdity from cnn. The "news" seems to run together anyway and it will be more fun for me and hopefully you to mash the headlines together. Thank you so much for tuning in to "news" designed to tune you out!

Anderson Cooper, anchor voted "most like me" by readers of this blog, reports on a guinea pig parade of Peru. fried pets Video

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